Features Overview

Nuts are easy to take and a great snack

Nuts are easy to take and a great snack

Feature 1


Traveling while on Keto is really not that hard. I have done this for years. It just takes a little planning and has such big rewards.

Travel snacks

When I travel, I always take nuts, seeds and several of the Keto os drink. (This helps with hunger and keeps me in ketosis, Highly recommend this). You can take jerky with you as well, make sure you pay attention to the ingredients used and stay away from those that add a lot of sugar. Or you can make your own. My friend brought some homemade on a trip we were on and it was so good. That is one of my new favorite snacks.

When I get to the hotel where we will be staying, I make sure I have a refrigerator in my room. Then go to a local store. Many of the stores carry veggies, even boil eggs peeled and in a package. Get some Greek yogurt that has hardly any carbs and add some nuts and or seeds.

When eating out, breakfast is easy, bacon and eggs. Tell them to leave the potatoes off the plate and no bread. For lunch I frequently will get a sandwich and eat the insides (meat, cheese and veggies) leave the bread on the plate and ask for a dill pickle, or a salad and a side of meat. Dinner is easy meat and salad.

I am drinking the Keto os throughout the day, you can also do a 16 hr fast. Eat lunch, and dinner and then don't eat anything else until the next day at lunch. Again, I would be drinking my Keto os. (this product is amazing and you can get step by step instructions on how to get it. ****************************************

Feature 2

Do some intermittent fasting while traveling less food to worry about. What is intermittent fasting you ask? It is a cycle between a period of fasting and non fasting over a defined period. Personally, I fast a little different then the average person as I am a diabetic. I drink my Keto os drink and beef broth (organic or homemade) during the times I cut my eating down. What are the benefits of the Intermittent fast?

It increases: Ghrelin levels that reduce overeating. (Ghrelin is a hormone that has numerous functions)

It increases insulin and leptin sensitivity, lowering the risk of diabetes, heart disease and cancer.

It increases the ability to become keto adapted, turning your body into a fat burner.

It decreases triglycerides, lowering the risk of heart disease risk.

It decreases inflammation and free radical damage.

It decreases weight gain and metabolic disease risk.

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Anything similar for two meals

Anything similar for two meals

Feature 3

A sample of intermittent fasting is to fast in the morning. Have a workout, eat a lunch (Keto), and dinner (Keto) and stop eating by 6 pm. Fast again until morning. Make sure you are drinking a lot of water and if possible bone broth. Again I drink a mug of Keto os everyday even when I am doing my fast. At dinner see if they have soup in a broth form like chicken noodle. Have all the broth and meat leave the noodles.