The keto Diet

THE KETO DIET IS A GREAT PLACE TO START. It takes out the foods that cause a rise in blood sugar (carbohydrate and sugar). It increases green vegetables which have lots of nutrients. If you have others in the same household that are not doing the Keto diet it is easy to add carbohydrates to the meals, you are cooking. I do this all the time.

One of my favorite things about the Keto Diet is how much LESS time I spend in the store. When I shop, I just go around the outside edges, because that is where the meat, produce, and dairy are.  Not only do I save TIME and MONEY, but I feel healthy, strong and have so much more energy! A unique aspect of my KETO diet is “My Exogenous Keto Drink.” It’s absolutely delicious! In fact, it’s the FAVORITE drink of one of my grandchildren! He asks for it all the time!

The Exogenous Keto Drink I use helps suppress the appetite as well as get you through the quote unquote the Keto Flu (which is just a detox of the carbs and sugar).


Looking for a way to cut sugar and carb cravings? My Exogenous Keto Drink will minimize the effects of the dreaded “keto flu.” As it turns out, this physical response is not a flu at all, but a detox from carbohydrates.


Ready to step up your game? Now is the time to start cutting out carbs —including sugar! Eating fewer carbs in combination with consuming My Exogenous Keto Drink 2 or 3 times a day will boost your energy and leave you feeling satisfied and full.


For maximum results, add healthy foods to your diet. Choose grass fed cattle, pork and wild fish over their manufactured counterparts. Make sure your butters and fats are healthy and full of heart healthy Omega 3 oils. Most of all, keep drinking My Exogenous Keto Drink.


  2. Take Vitamins highly recommend Optimal Natural Vitality for added energy and replaces what you are cutting out of your diet. Along with other vitamins you feel you need. I have been taking multiple vitamins from the shopping link for over 23 years. They are the best and I have stats from doctors that prove it.

  3. Take the 23 and Me DNA test and order an additional report so you can see what works and does not work with your DNA. You could eat health foods but if it doesn't go with your DNA you could have some kind of a health issue.

  4. Get the Ketogenic Bible to help you in your education of what you should/shouldn't do and it has some great recipes in it as well.

  5. Get a Mojo Blood Testing keto kit. I use it and highly recommend it. You will see test strips that you can check your urine with but this is an inaccurate reading of ketosis. I learned this years ago with they old diabetic urine test strips. My body felt different than what the strip was saying. Blood is so much more accurate. Some people say the keto diet doesn't work. It may be that they are not in ketosis. The only way to tell for sure is with a blood test (even the breath test is not as accurate as the blood test). They are small, portable and only need to be used occasionally or if you really want to know if you are in ketosis.